The game has shut down, so accounts can no longer be saved.
Japan’s server stayed available for several months but has also become inaccessible at the end of October.
Warning about chats: only the last 20 messages in each chat group are saved.
Warning: this will transfer your account away. If you are eligible for a DigiStone refund, this is not safe. Get your refund before using this form, or use the second form instead.
Use this if you previously started a transfer but could not finish it for any reason.
Also use this if you do not have a valid transfer code or do not want to transfer your account away.
<string name="uuid">U%2FD%2F09U%2BiGw6TobdtT5F3wAkNZd2X5c67tftwhOrd2ypbInAp64XO0ZfEkohnfq0</string>
java -jar path/to/abe.jar unpack path_to/backup.ab path_for_generated/backup.tar
java -jar path/to/abe.jar unpack path_to/backup.ab - | tar x apps/com.bandainamcoent.digimon_linkz/sp/com.bandainamcoent.digimon_linkz.v2.playerprefs.xml
if [ "`head -3 path_to/backup.ab | tail -1`" = 1 ]; then { printf "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"; tail -n +5 path_to/backup.ab; } | gzip -cd; else tail -n +5 path_to/backup.ab; fi | tar x apps/com.bandainamcoent.digimon_linkz/sp/com.bandainamcoent.digimon_linkz.v2.playerprefs.xml
Send any comments to Chortos-2 by email, on Discord (Chortos-2#6122) or on Reddit.